
We salute our veterans and all military branches

We salute all of you who have served and are serving currently. We thank you for your service and bless all of your families as well.
Veterans day is coming Sunday November 11 and Monday November 12, 2018.
This day is very meaningful to us, with family and friends who have served and is currently serving. We have created several new items to show our support and that all are being thought of.
  We salute you  (link)

We also know there are things that happen that most would not understand unless put in those shoes. Coming back home from the front lines of war can be amazingly painful and difficult. Going from one major mindset to a completely docile one is sometimes harder than most think or would even understand. 
 Big tees printing wants all of you to know we appreciate what you're doing and the sacrifices you have made.   In honor of veterans day 🎖🎖we have created new decals for veterans and those actively serving👍 and their families👪. 

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