
March 29 National mom and pop business owner day #momandpopownerday

March 29th 2019 is National mom and pop business day. Celebrating🙌 small businesses everyday.

New businesses have always been a vital, yet not fully appreciated, part of the U.S. economy. On the retail side, they bring different and unique products to the marketplace. They provide stellar and personal service support. When you call, you are more likely to get a real, live person. And unlike big national chains, they know their products. They are outstanding performers in niche markets. In manufacturing, they create many new concepts and ideas, making them creators of new products.
Celebrate National Mom and Pop Business Owners Day by showing your support....shop their stores today, and everyday. 

This day was created for : Celebrating and the community. 👪🎆

Our economy couldn’t run without small mom and pop businesses. They create economic growth and provide almost 70% of all new jobs in the country. That's why every year on March 29 we acknowledge the more than 27 million small businesses in this country by celebrating National Mom and Pop Business Owners Day! The holiday was established by Rick and Margie Segel in honor of their parents and the successful hat shop they opened in 1939 and grew into a 10,000 square foot, $2 million dollar clothing shop. It is a special day to appreciate the long hours, hard work and dedication it takes to run a small business. So on March 29, head to your favorite small business to say thank you!

Even if you don't shop at one of your small businesses in your locality, spread the word, let others know about a small business.. word of mouth, social media, emails or however, you would like.  #momandpopownersday

Mom and Pop shops bring fresh ideas to the marketplace. In today’s economy, when you can find the same products in every Big Box in every city, it’s refreshing to find something new which everyone else hasn’t discovered yet.


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